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How I Met Your Mother Season 8 Review

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What about Ted?


Ted just couldn't be happy with what he had. He needed someone to validate Victoria for him. Klaus gave a wonderful speech to Ted and like any other memorable speech, this speech determined the tone of the rest of the season. Klaus told Ted that Victoria was just not his "The One" and even though he could spend the rest of his life with her, she still lacks that final pizzazz. Ted realized the same after hearing that speech. If you watch How I Met Your Mother, you wouldn't be surprised about this revelation. He realized that he loved the idea of being with "The One" and not necessarily Victoria.


With that realization, we though we would be back to square one with Ted. Things turn interesting when we see a flash forward scene to Barney and Robin's wedding. A lovely lady arrived at the wedding in a taxi. She was the musician at the party as she was carrying a guitar. As the camera gave us a wide view, we saw her holding a yellow umbrella. This is it. She is the Mother. Even though we have no idea what she looks like, who she is but we know one thing for sure - Ted Mosby is going to meet her. Quoting Ted's speech in Season 2, the universe is always moving and if things are meant to be, they will happen.


Ted is finally in the right place at the right time. Once again, the episode ended with no conclusion. The final scene was set 10 hours after Ted convinced Robin to go through with the wedding. But we are back to a few months before the wedding. It should be plenty an episode until we catch up with the scene. If you remember the last season, you'll know that the first episode was Barney's wedding but there was no mention of it until the final episode. If How I Met Your Mother is in its final season, you can be sure we won't get to see the Mother just yet.


For 7 long years, we've seen Ted gone through each and every failed relationship with Robin, Stella, Victoria and even Zoey. The story of how Ted met the One should be paced correctly.


While Ted was talking to Klaus, we see Quinn discovering Barney's past with Robin but didn't think much of it as Robin was not single at that moment. As we heard Klaus's epic speech in the background, we saw Barney thinking of Robin while Quinn fell asleep on his shoulder. Barney still wants to get together with Robin.


This episode definitely signaled the beginning of the end. We know Barney's going to marry Robin and Ted is going to meet the Mother. Between this and the final scene, there will be around 20 episodes to tease us. The show is definitely at its end and I for one would miss How I Met Your Mother dearly.

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